Home >> Reflection >> Overcoming Limited Beliefs: The Journey to Self-Acceptance with a Disability

Overcoming Limited Beliefs: The Journey to Self-Acceptance with a Disability

Have you ever tried to complete a jigsaw puzzle and forced a piece into a spot where it didn’t fit? Despite multiple attempts, you eventually realize that you cannot make something fit where it was not meant to be.

The metaphor depicts a perfect picture of the process of obtaining self-acceptance. Reaching a point where you can accept yourself wholeheartedly is not an easy task. In fact, it is a bumpy process filled with uncertainty and apprehension, one that may knock you down repeatedly and make you contemplate surrendering. However, you must not give up!

Although the journey may be exhausting or seem impossible at times, it does not mean it cannot be completed.

On the contrary, only the strongest have the power to conquer the many challenges launched their way by altering their limited thoughts while fully embracing their authenticity. However, additional trials can arise when having a disability as it is common to disapprove of what is uncommon. Nonetheless, something worth having has never come easy!

A disability is composed of an array of limitations that vary from person to person. Sadly, we live in a society where being unique or different is often viewed as undesirable. People may believe that there is something that must be fixed or managed when, in reality, being understood is all that is needed. Gradually, negative thoughts may begin to present themselves, leading to limited beliefs about not being capable or good enough. These are all lies, and I want to inform you that they are not true.

The text reads "The Journey to Self-Acceptance."

Those lies are often deeply rooted in our minds since childhood, unconsciously cultivating a bed of self-rejection.

The development of a non-acceptance mindset can stem from the presumption that one lacks the competence to achieve their dreams simply due to having a different way of doing things. Additionally, the negative attitudes of school authorities can exacerbate this mindset. Over time, a once-positive attitude of “I can do anything” can transform into the self-doubting question of “Am I good enough?”

Gradually, you begin rejecting everything that makes you unique: walk too slow, needs a wheelchair; speech that is difficult to understand, better resort to the use of a communicative device; and writing- a little messy but legible still unacceptable.

Leisurely, defamatory self-talk emerges taking the central stage as if they rule the place. Little by little, our confidence crumbled magnifying the elements of comparison, therefore, hurting our self-esteem. Having the ability to undertake things differently doesn’t necessarily indicate you do not possess the capacity to attain them, far from it. Instead, it signifies fostering an indomitable spirit and the stamina needed to not recoil from any obstacles. Life is tough, regardless. 

Eliminating inadequate beliefs is no walk in the park! It requires many years of work to accomplish, and the progress is usually slow and unnoticeable. Periodically, you may feel like giving up, but your desire to better yourself won’t allow you to surrender.

Ideally, you would push more vigorously than ever because you’ve come too far to give up.

Now, it’s you versus the restricted notions planted in your mind that are no longer welcome. These thoughts will put up a decent fight to stay housed in your mind, unaware that you have the power to evict them. Journaling, meditation, and seeing a therapist have helped me believe in myself again. Meditation is an excellent tool to learn how to let go of what no longer serves you while accepting what it is. It hasn’t been an easy task, but it has been a beneficial one, nonetheless. It has taken years to claim my power back and forgive myself for neglecting my well-being to please a society that couldn’t see past the unfamiliar.

Nothing is more valuable than achieving a desirable level of self-acceptance. If you don’t recognize and appreciate yourself as the exceptional individual that you are, who else will? Therefore, it’s crucial to love yourself unconditionally, to the extent that you radiate happiness and self-love <3.

Here are some steps you can take to start your self-acceptance journey and building your self-esteem!

Image of a person with a disability looking straight to the camera with a serious facial expression while leaning on a wall.  She is wearing an olive green color overall with a baby blue long sleeves shirt. 

"Journey to Self-Acceptance with a Disability: Overcoming Limited Beliefs."
Image of a person with a disability looking straight and smiling to the camera while leaning on a wall.  She is wearing an olive green color overall with a baby blue long sleeves shirt. 

"Journey to Self-Acceptance with a Disability: Overcoming Limited Beliefs."
Image of a person with a disability looking sideways smiling.  She is wearing an olive green color overall with a baby blue long sleeves shirt. "Journey to Self-Acceptance with a Disability: Overcoming Limited Beliefs."

Stay Beautiful XoXo

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  1. February 18, 2023 / 11:44 am

    Love this post and how you talk about society not accepting the unfamiliar. You are accurate when you speak of things like wondering if you are then good enough. I’m glad you found a few things to help you. I like journaling and have recently downloaded some mindfulness apps in hopes they work for me. Thank you for this!

  2. Katherine
    February 18, 2023 / 12:27 pm

    This is such a great post! You’re so right that self acceptance isn’t east at all and is something to be practices daily, but is so worth it!

  3. February 18, 2023 / 2:28 pm

    Awesome post! Self acceptance is vital to a happy lifestyle! Thank you

    • shesdioma
      February 22, 2023 / 3:01 pm

      Exactly, self-acceptance is key to living a happy and fulfilled life. 🙂

  4. Charity
    February 22, 2023 / 7:31 pm

    This is such an amazing post! Beautifully written too. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • shesdioma
      February 23, 2023 / 4:10 pm

      I’m so glad you liked it! 🙂 Self-acceptance is so important that is often overlook.

  5. March 7, 2023 / 11:16 am

    Amazing post. Thank you for sharing this post.

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