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Welcome to a space created just for you!

I’m Diomayra, and yes, I have Cerebral Palsy, which affects my speech and some motor skills-but it doesn’t define me. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in 2016, and soon after, I discovered a newfound passion for writing that led me to the world of blogging.

My blog started with a focus on fashion and health, but over time, it shifted to something more personal and meaningful-dating and empowerment. Now, it’s a place where I share my experiences navigating the dating world with a disability, all while learning to love myself unconditionally. Here, you’ll find a mix of insightful tips and valuable advice on how to approach dating with confidence and authenticity.

My mission is to help others embrace their insecurities and love themselves exactly as they are because, let’s be honest, how can we expect others to love us if we don’t love ourselves first?

She’s Dioma, the ultimate empowerment blog!

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay Beautiful. XoXo