Week 1: September 29 to October 4, 2024
The idea of writing “thoughts of the week” was a spontaneous one. The thought came as I was watching an YouTube video about the dangers of fillers and the crazy lengths many go through to achieve forever youth.
I will be trying to post one of these weekly of random thoughts I have through the week of anything I want to talk about. The difference between these and my regular articles would be that the thought of the week would not be as carefully structured as my monthly articles. Like a weekly catch you would have with a friend.
Have you guys seen what has been discover regarding facial filler? It has been found that facial fillers aren’t as temporary and safe as they were once advertised as. The crazy part is that they can block the lymphatic system, that is insane.
Click to Read: Let’s Begin to Celebrate the Journey and All Our Accomplishments
Our desire to obtain external youth and beauty are slowly obstructing our judgment when deciding the right course for our long term health. I don’t have nothing against facial fillers and Botox, if you have the resources to get them, by all means.
What I have a problem is the large number of people in their late teens and early twenties are getting facial fillers as a “preventative measure”.
What has happened with aging? When did we became so scare of aging? And to have our own identities? That seemed like a thing from the past, sadly.

It saddens me to witness the pressure youths face these days to be the same conforming to the unrealistic beauty standards and to stop aging at all cost. This can be largely be attributed to social media and the increase desire for perfection, just for a like or a comment. Insecurities have always existed, specially in high school but you eventually grow out of them. With filler, for example, what is there to prevent in a 20-years-old individual who is just starting to live life? There is nothing to prevent!
It is infuriating to see how many people working so hard to attain permanent youth that they are damaging their health and self-esteem in the long term. In my late 20s, I have contemplated getting Botox in my forehead when I began noticing forehead lines. I didn’t have the resources to do it and now I don’t know if I even want to. Maybe within the next or three years from now if my opinion change then I will get Botox but right now, I don’t feel the need. (I get Botox in my arm for Cerebral Palsy)
Like many, I want to preserve my youth but consciously. Lately, I have been obsessed with making homemade facial mask which has done wonders to my skins. Let see how long this obsession it last! Lol.
I want people to be confident with who they are and stop this immense crazes of wanting to stop aging at all costs. Aging is a part of life that is inevitable!
Below are two of videos I saw about fillers!
Video 1: Is by Lael Hansen
Video 2: Is by Stephanie Lange
Some good thoughts of the week. I think it’s too much pressure, expectations and fear of aging, and other factors that unfortunately impact it, what is really a shame… Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
It’s insane how much pressure there is to stop or slow aging. Girls as young as 18 are getting fillers to prevent wrinkles. What is there to prevent at 18? Nothing! Thank you for commenting! 🙂