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Thoughts of the Week: What is there to figure out?

Week 2: October 6 to October 11, 2024

What is there to figure out? It’s either you want a casual relationship or a serious one. There shouldn’t be no in-between!

How can men in their late 20s and 30s not know what they’re looking for? If you don’t know what you want, then why are you on dating apps? It’s a simple choice: either you’re seeking a serious relationship or something casual. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Click to Read: Stop Chasing Relationships: Instead, Start Chase Life

It’s almost funny but also saddening when a man’s profile says, “Figuring out my dating goals.” It’s so obvious how many men use this tactic with the intention of keeping their options open to avoid being trapped in a relationship. Not only that, but it also offers an easy way out if, for some reason, the connection derails into something serious. Additionally, it’s one of the most unattractive things when a man doesn’t know what he wants.

The dating scene is so messed up because these men don’t want the responsibility that comes with being in a relationship. No, thank you! 

Sorry, but if you need time to figure out whether I’m worth pursuing a relationship with, then you’re not worth my time and energy. If you’re unsure about wanting a relationship, please don’t be on the app wasting the time of people who are seeking something serious.

And there you have it, my TED Writing!

Check out the following two videos for better context:

Video 1: Is by tampabaetraveler on TikTok

Video 2: Is by youreitgirl on TikTok

Stay Beautiful XoXo


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