Week 9: January 24 to January 31, 2025
It is astonishing to the point of being sad, the large amount of stuff we tend to accumulate. Do we make purchases because we truly want or need them? Or do we buy stuff to fill a void from deep within?
One can easily notice while scrolling through the various social media platforms an array of items advertise for purchasing with a simple credit card swap. Meanwhile, there is a drawer still half full with similar items. Why the eagerness to spend money on something you already have?
Click Here To Read: Your Baggage Preventing You From Finding Love?
Waiting, can heightened the fear of missing out, therefore creating a lack of security and a temporary sense of joy in the act of possessing something. This is regularly credited to the desperate need of obtaining instant gratification that comes with making a purchase. The wrong perception that we can not function without it plays a major part. Newsflash: you will be just fine.
There is only one word I can think of to describe the notion. And it is gratification. Yes, that is the word GRATIFICATION!

Increasingly, it seems like we have adopted the habit of going to great lengths to achieve an instant rush of happiness and external validation. The pursue of immediate ecstasy can be categorized as a double-edged-sword. Material things are often be use as a defense mechanism to hide from unwanting feelings. Aside from being influence by social media and various marketing campaigns, we live in a society where having more is good and having less is perceived as bad. But, is it really?
Does having a lot guarantee a profound happiness and joy?
It could for a little while, but not in the long-term. Why could that be? You might be wondering.
A major reason is the belief that buying things is the answer to happiness. In reality, happiness cannot be obtained through a transactional exchange. The fact is, if you aren’t happy with what you currently have; having more won’t supply you with the self-contentment you are desperately seeking.
What makes you think that having more is the key to your happiness? Oh yeah, being bombarded with content. Add to the constant exposure of campaigns topically emphasized how we must go out to get this item and then life would be all better. Clearly, BS!
No harm can come from going to the store to purchased an item you have been eyeing if the budget allows it. And yet, the opposite can be stated as fact. If an individual continuously buys things in the hope of finding some kind of relief in those items to fill the emptiness they often felt.
Let me brake it to you, those items aren’t made of magic. If you thought for a second they were the solution, they definitely are not. Until you take the time to seriously analyze your life and look deep within, that is when you will surely stop relating material things with a happiness that is only temporary. Once the inner work is done, you can truly be on the road toward a happy and fulfilled life.
You know, you owe it to yourself to discover life’s long-lasting satisfaction without having to rely on external things. So, take a good look deep within and begin to realize your happiness lies in your own hands, not in the value society places on material possessions.
Now I ask you; Does Buying Stuff Really Fill the Void?
Video: Avoid The Trap of Materialism If You Want To Succeed In LIFE
Video: How You Are Manipulated To Mindlessly Consume– Damon Cassidy