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Why You Shouldn’t Let Fear Hold You Back?

Learn How to Push Past Fear When You’re Scared

Life is not as scary as we think it is. What is truly scary is being paralyzed in our comfort zone by the invisible fear that develops when we are about to embark on a new experience.

Look at it this way: it’s more frightening to live a life invaded by constant thoughts of wondering what could have happened if we had the courage to go for it, rather than allowing fear to hold us back from seizing the opportunity. 

Click Here To Read: Are You Truly Happy or Just Pretending?

What is Fear?

The most dreadful thing is having the chance to do something and not taking advantage of it. By doing so, we allow fear to limit our mental capacity to believe in ourselves and our abilities. Not only that, but we also must live with the subconscious knowledge that we might have let something good slip through our fingers due to our inability to see beyond the lens of fear.

Fear is like these gray clouds that suddenly roll in without warning. In an instant, they might appear as a huge giant heading towards you, ready to invade everything familiar. Everything starts turning dark, cold, and dreary. Before long, you find yourself running towards a corner, trying to hide from the murky sky that threatens to take over. 

Closing your eyes and wishing the clouds would disappear won’t make them turn around. They will continue to invade and loom until you summon the courage to confront them. Once you stand up against them, you can expect the clouds of fear to slowly dissipate, and the blue sky will make an appearance once again.

It’s Completely Normal to Feel Scared and Fearful

It’s normal to be scared and fearful of things we ought to fear, like a bear or lightning. But it is not okay when those fears make you afraid of accepting opportunities meant for you. Of course, there are certain opportunities that we need to reject because something better is waiting for us, especially when we have a gut feeling after much contemplation. In that case, it’s fine to refrain from moving forward. However, things become unacceptable when one begins to doubt their qualifications and worthiness at the time something great is presented to them or rejects an opportunity, thinking they are unqualified.

Fear will always linger around no matter how much one tries to avoid it, especially if we step out of our comfort zone and try something new. Of course, the unknown can be a scary place, but it can also be beautiful. Beautiful because you will discover things that you otherwise wouldn’t have if you stayed in your comfort zone.

Why We Shouldn’t Fear the Unfamiliar?

Once, I heard someone say that life starts outside of your comfort zone where everything is unfamiliar. It may be unfamiliar only for a little while until it becomes familiar, like the first day of school or a new job. The first day or week can be terrifying, but you continue attending because you won’t let fear hold you back from the things you have worked so hard for. Eventually, you realize that what you were scared of was not as frightening as you thought.

Imagine if you allowed your actions to be consumed by fear. You wouldn’t accomplish anything, and your life would be filled with “what ifs.” That’s no way to live.

Dr. Joe Dispenza in the article ‘The Unknown Will Never Let You Down: Part I’ discusses how the fear of the unknown prevents us from moving forward:

“…They become paralyzed—paralyzed by the fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what other people will think, and a host of other reasons. Rather than continuing to follow the signposts and clues towards the next step, they stop just short of bringing their creation to fruition, when in fact, if they just continued to move deeper and trust in the unknown, they may have found themselves with a whole host of new possibilities opening up before them.”

Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Unknown Can Be Full of Surprises

Vividly, I remember how terrified I was upon deciding to get the Baclofen Pump removed completely. The fear of whether it was the proper decision at the time kept me awake at night, especially with the ‘what if’ scenarios. What if my Cerebral Palsy worsened? What if I couldn’t function without it? How would my body react after more than ten years of having it? These thoughts were a constant in my mind. 

Although I was terrified, I wasn’t going to let my fears stop me from moving forward. Deep down, I knew I couldn’t withdraw from my decision, as I would have regretted it forever. And that was the last thing I wanted.

If I had let my fear take charge of my actions, I would still have the Baclofen Pump. The Baclofen Pump is great for some people, but not for me. It has been two years since I had it removed, and I feel better than ever. Finally, I’m recovering a piece of myself that had been missing for so long that I didn’t even know it was gone.

After reading this, I hope you are inspired not to be afraid of the unknown and to go for what your heart desires. If I had let fear dictate my actions and decision-making, I would not be on the path I am today. Of course, it was scary taking the first step and making the decision, but it was worth it. If we let fear take control of our lives, we would not be living; we would just be existing. 

I encourage you to take that first step, as it’s the scariest; the second one is a little bit easier. Take it! I believe in you!


Dispenza, J. (2017, November 22). The Unknown Will Never Let You Down: Part I. https://drjoedispenza.com/. https://drjoedispenza.com/dr-joes-blog/the-unknown-will-never-let-you-down-part-i

Stay Beautiful XoXo

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  1. July 29, 2024 / 10:27 pm

    This is such a beautiful post. I’m starting something new and really needed to read this today. Thank you for inspiring me to go for it!

    • shesdioma
      July 30, 2024 / 5:48 pm

      I’m sure that whatever you are starting will turn out great. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  2. July 31, 2024 / 5:32 pm

    just love this!! couldn’t agree more. So many things in my life I was scared to do but I knew I would kick myself if I didn’t go for it or try. Thanks for sharing this 🙂 Wonderful perspective!

    • shesdioma
      August 4, 2024 / 3:46 pm

      We have 2 options… 1) to live life scare of exploring outside of our comfort zone or 2) go for it even though it can be scary. The choice is our! Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  3. Charli Dee
    July 31, 2024 / 6:06 pm

    Loved this post! I think I needed to read this. New journeys are definitely scary. I was very nervous when I started my mental health journey. I was so afraid of going on medication. Turns out starting therapy and going on medication was a great decision! It was what I needed. Now I’m about to head back to school, and once again I’m very afraid. I’m afraid of failing, but I’m going to move forward and believe in myself.

    • shesdioma
      August 4, 2024 / 3:54 pm

      Firstly, congratulation on returning to school and going strong on your mental health journey! You should be incredibly proud of yourself for taking the first step and not permitting fear of the unknown hold you back. There is a 50-50 chance of you failing but also getting an A in all of your classes. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  4. August 1, 2024 / 6:40 am

    This is such a lovely inspirational post with a great message. Thanks for sharing.

    • shesdioma
      August 4, 2024 / 3:57 pm

      Although it might be scary, we shouldn’t let get hold us back from doing what we want to accomplish. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  5. August 8, 2024 / 1:46 am

    Fear is the primary factor preventing individuals from living life to the fullest. Imagine the possibilities when we break through the fear!

    • shesdioma
      August 12, 2024 / 3:05 pm

      Fear is like an invisible cage that can hold us captive indefinitely. We must break free to live the life we are meant to live. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

  6. Kristine
    August 8, 2024 / 5:54 am

    I’m so glad you addressed this issue! This is the single hardest thing I taught my kids. And now my 11 yr old grandson ids going through it. Thanks for the reminder and will think of your post during his saxophone 🎷 lesson today!

    • shesdioma
      August 12, 2024 / 3:15 pm

      Before long he is going to be a master playing the saxophone! It can be challenging to teach individuals to see beyond fear and embrace the unknown. Thank you for commenting! 🙂

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